Sivopaasana mantra
Upasana means worship.
Since Upasana is done
in all forms of the Worshiping God, so it can be used as mantra, abhishek and
aarti. This mantra can be used for worshiping Lord Shiva.
Word meaning
Veda pushpanjali meaning
Nidhanapataye namah
Nidhana – dissolution
Pataye – lord
Namah – Na + MaH – not mine (or)
Salutations to Nidhanapati, the Lord
of the dissolution of the Universe.
Salutations (namah) to the Lord
(pataye) of the dissolution (nidhana) of the Universe.
Nidhanapatantikaya namah
Pataantikaaya – who puts an end to the
Lord of Death.
Salutations to Nidhanapatantika, (i.e.
Siva) who puts an end to the God of death (i.e.) Yama
Salutations to Shiva, who puts an end
to the Lord of death (pataantikaaya) by granting us immortality.
Urdhvaya namah
Urdhva – highest principle
Salutations to Urdva, who is the unity
of power and the power holder
Salutations to the highest principle
Urdhvalingaya namah
Lingam – li + ngam = Symbol of
Salutations to Urdva linga, the
principle of Sadasiva, embodying the power of intelligence.
Salutations to the lingam which is the
embodiment of Urdhva
Hiranyaya namah
Hiranya – Golden, one who is
beneficial and charming to creatures.
Salutations to Hiranya, who is
beneficial and charming to creatures.
Salutations to the one who is both
beneficial and charming to all creatures.
Hiranya lingaya namah
Salutations to Hiranya-linga, who is
visualized as a linga made of gold.
Salutations to the One who is
visualized as the Linga made of Gold.
Suvarnaya namah
Suvarna – one who is endowed with
attractive splendor.
Salutations to Suvarna, who is endowed
with attractive splendor.
Salutations to the One who is endowed
with attractive Splendor!
Suvarna lingaya namah
Salutations to Suvarna linga, who is
the form of linga made of suvarna (gold)
Salutations to that lingam which is
the embodiment of splendor.
Divyaya namah
Divya – source of bliss in heaven,
Salutations to Divya, who is the
source of bliss in heaven.
Salutations to the One who is the
source of bliss in heaven.
Divyalingaya namah
Salutations to Divya-linga, who is worshipped
as the divine emblem.
Salutations to Divya-linga
Bhavaya namah
Bhava – source of universe, of the
cycle of birth and death.
Salutations to the Bhava, who is the
source of cycle of birth and death.
Salutations to the One, who destroys
the cycle of birth and death.
Bhavalingaya namah
Salutations to Bhava-linga, who is
worshipped as linga by human beings.
Salutations to the lingam which is the
embodiment of Bhava.
Sharvaya namah
Sharva – one who causes the final
dissolution of the Universe.
Salutations to Sarva, who is the
suppresser of the Universe at the time of final dissolution.
Salutations to the One, who is the
suppresser of the Universe at the final time of dissolution.
Sharvalingaya namah
Salutations to Sarva-linga, who is
worshipped as linga (emblem of Sarva), who gives bliss.
Salutations to the lingam which is the
embodiment of Sharva.
Sivaya namah
Siva – One who is most auspicious
Salutations to Siva, who is most
Salutations to One, who is the most auspicious
of all.
Sivalingaya namah
Salutations to Siva-linga, who is
worshipped in the form of linga.
Salutations to the lingam, which is
the embodiment of auspiciousness
Jvalaya namah
Jvala – one who is radiant as a flame.
Salutations to Jvala, who is as
splendorous as a flame.
Salutations to the One who is as
splendorous as a flame.
Jvala lingaya namah
Salutations to Jvala-linga who is the
form of brilliant linga.
Salutations to that lingam which is
the embodiment of splendor.
Aatmaya namah
Aatma – one who resides in the inner
self of all beings.
Salutations to the Atma, who is the
Spirit (aatma) dwelling in all beings.
Salutations to the one who is the
spirit dwelling in all beings.
Aatma lingaya namah
Salutations to Aatmalinga, who is
concealed in the heart of all beings, being their inmost self.
Salutations to the Aatma linga who is
concealed in the heart of all beings, being their inner most self.
Paramaya namah
Parama – One who is unsurpassed
Salutations to the Parama, who is
Salutations to the one who is
Paramalingaya namah
Salutations to Paramalinga, who is the
supreme lord of bliss and liberation (indicated by the linga emblem).
Salutations to the lingam who is the
Supreme lord of bliss and liberation.
Etath somasya suryasya
Sarvalingagg sthapayati
Pani mantram pavitram
Somasya – Moon
Suryasya – Sun
Sarvalingagg – These 22 names of
lingams (Above)
Sthapayati – Install
Pavithram – consecrate (Make holy)
By the 22 names ending with
salutations, they consecrate the Sivalinga for all – this linga which is
representative of soma and surya, and by holding this in the hands, holy
formulas are repeated, which is a source that purifies all. ( The lord
described here is the embodiment of all knowledge and it refers to Mahadeva,
visualized as having five faces, facing the four quarters and upwards.)
Holding the lingam in hand, these holy
mantras (The 22 above) are recited to consecrate and install the lingam. This
lingam embodies the Sun and the Moon.
After the lingam is installed, the
five faces of the linga is worshipped in the following verses.
Sadyojattam prapadyami
Sadyojataya vai namo namaH
Bhave bhave nati bhave bhavasva mam
Bhavodbhavaya namah.
Sadyojatta – who is the source of all
Prapadyami – take refuge
Vai – verily
Bhava – repeated birth
Athibhave – beyond birth
Maam -
Consign me.
Bhavodbhavaya – cycle of birth and
I take refuge in Sadyojaata. Verily, I
salute Sadyojaata again and again. O Sadyojaata, do not consign me to
repeated birth lead me beyond birth, into the state of bliss and liberation.
I bow down to Him who is the source of trans migratory existence.
to Western Face – Sadyojaatam
I take refuge (Prapadyami) in
Sadyojatta – who is the source of all existence. Verily (vai), I salute
Sadyojaatam again and again. Do not consign me (maam) to repeated birth
Lead me beyond birth (athibhave), into
the state of bliss and liberation. I offer my salutations (namaH) to One who
can lead me through the cycle of birth and death (Bhavodbhavaya)
Vamadevaya namo
Jyesthaya nama
Sreshtaya namo
Rudraya namah
Kalaya namah
Kalavikaranaya namo
Balavikaranaya namo
Balaya namo
Balapramathanaya nama
Sarva bhoota damanaya namo
Manonmanaya namaH
Vamadeva – who is beautiful, effulgent
Jyesthaya – (old) who is ever in
existence. (Even before Creation)
ShreshThaaya – (Best) who is noble,
most worthy and excellent.
Rudraaya – who is the cause of beings to
weep at the time of dissolution. (or one who makes problems melt away)
Kaalaaya – who is the Lord of Time of
One who transcends time.
Kala-vikaraNaaya – who causes many
changes (vikarNa – many or variety) in the evolution of the Universe.
Salutations to Vaaamadeva, who is
beautiful and effulgent
Salutations to Jyeshta, who is ever in
existence (He existed even before the creation and He continues to exist).
Salutations to Srestha, who is noble
and admirable.
Salutations to Rudra, who is the cause
of beings to weep at the time of dissolution.
Salutations to Kala, who is the lord
of time (past, present and future)
Salutations to Kalavikarana, who
causes changes in the evolution of the Universe beginning with Prakrti.
Salutations to Balavikarana, who is
the producer of varieties and degrees of strength.
Salutations to Bala, who is the source
of all strength.
Salutations to Balapramatana, who
suppress all power at the time of retractions.
Salutations to Sarva Bhutadamana, who
is the ruler of all created beings.
Salutaitons to Manonmana, who kindles
the light of the soul.
to the Northern Face – Vaamadeva
Salutations to
Vaamadevaa – who is beautiful,
Jyeshthaaya – (old) who is ever in
existence (even before creation)
Shreshthaaya – (Best) who is noble,
most worthy and excellent
Rudraaya – who is the cause of beings
to weep at the time of dissolution. (or one who makes problems melt away)
Kaalaya – Who is the Lord of Time or
One who transcends time
Kala-vikaraNaaya – who causes many
changes (vikarNa – many or variety) in the evolutions of the Universe
Bala-VikaraNaya – Who is the source of
the many varieties or degrees of strength.
Balaaya – who is the source of all
Bala-pramathanaaya – who suppresses
all power at the time of dissolution.
Sarva-bhuuta-damanaaya – who is the
ruler of all created beings.
Manonmanaaya – who kindles the light
of the soul.
Aghorebhyo’tha ghorebhyo
Ghora ghoratarebhyah
Sarvebhyas sarvasarvebhyo Namaste astu
Ghora – terrifying
Aghora – not terrifying
Ghora tara –very terrifying
Now, O Sarva, my salutations be at all
time and at all places to Thy Rudra forms, benign, splendid and destructive.
to the Southern face
My salutations to all forms of Rudra –
Ghora – terrifying
Aghora – not terrifying
Ghora tara – very terrifying
To all these forms - benign, splendid and destructive – at all
times and at all places I surrender.
(Note : Ghora and Aghora represent two aspects of
Shiva – Aspect for creation and dissolution of the Universe.)
Tat-purushaya vidhmahe
Mahaa devaaya dhiimahi
Tanno rudraH Prachodayaat
Tat Purushha – Realize the Supreme
Vidmahe – may we know
Dhimahi – meditate
Prachodayaat – fertilize (our
Let us realize that Tat-Purusha the
Supreme person, may we meditate on the Great Lord Mahadeva, may Lord Rudra
illumine us.
to the Eastern face
May we know or realize the Supreme
person (tat Purusha).
For that, may we meditate upon Lord
May Lord Rudra fertilize our intellect
such that our intelligence blossoms into wisdom and we get illumined.
Isanas sarvavidyanam
Ishwara sarva bhuutaanaam
Brahma’dhi patir
Brahmano’dhi patir
Brahma sivo me astu sadasivom
Ishaana – Ruler
Sarva-vidya – all knowledge
Sarva-bhuutaanaaM – all creatures
Brahmaa – Vedas (here)
Adhipati – Lord of Vedas
BrahmaNo – those who impart the
knowledge of Vedas
Adhipati – Lord of BrahmaNo
Shiva – benign, kind
Me – to me
May the Supreme who is the ruler of
all knowledge, controller of all created beings, the preserver of the Vedas
and the one overlord of Hiranyagarbha (Brahma), be benign to me.
I am the Sadasiva described this, and
denoted by Pranava.
to the Above Facing Ishaana
The Supreme is the ruler (Ishaana) of
all knowledge and controller of all created beings.
The Supreme is the Lord of the Vedas
and those who impart the knowledge of the Vedas.
May the Supreme be benign to me.
I am the Sadashiva described this and
denoted by ‘AUM’.
Namo Hiranya baahave
Hiranya varNaaya
Hiranya Rupaaya
Hiranya Pataye
Uma pataye
Pasu pataye
Namo NamaH
Hiranya Baahave – Golden hands
Hiranya VarNaaya – Golden Hue or
Golden Words (VarNaaya can be meant as Hue or Shade and also as Words)
Hiranaya Rupaaya – Golden Form
Hiranya Pataye – Lord of Gold (all
Ambika Pataye – Lord of Mother Ambika
Uma Pataye – Lord of Mother Uma
Pashu pataye – Lord of all beings
to the Linga
Salutations to the One who has golden
hands, who is of golden hue or whose speech is charming, who is of golden
form or whose form is charming, who is Lord of all wealth or gold, who is the
Lord of Mother Ambika, who is the Lord of Mother Uma and who is the Lord of
all beings.
R’ita(gm) Satyam paraM
Brahma purushhaM kR’ishNa pingalam
R’ita(gm) – Embodiment of Right
Satyam – truth
Krishna – dark complexion
Pi-Ngalam – Red colored complexion
I offer my salutations to that Supreme
Person –
Who is the embodiment of Right and truth.
Whose complexion is both dark and red.
Uurdhva-retam virupaaksham
Vishva ruupaaya vai namo namaH
Uurdhva-retam – highest power
ViruupaakshaM – odd number of eyes
Vishva-ruupaya – cosmic form
Who is a great yogi or One who has the highest
Who has odd number of eyes
One whose cosmic form envelops the entire
Sarvo vai rudras tasmai rudraaya namo
Purushho Vai rudras sanmaho namo namaH
Vai – verily
Namo – salute
Astu – be it so
Maho – light
Verily, all this is Rudra
I salute that Rudra. The great Purusha
is Himself Rudra – who is the Light within all beings.
I salute that Rudra
Vishvam bhuutaM bhuvanaM chitraM
Bahudhaa jaatam jaayamaanaM cha yat
Sarvo hyesha rudras tasmai
Rudraaya namo astu
Vishvam – Material universe
Bhuutam – beings (in this world)
BhuvanaM – world
ChitraM – varied
Bahudaa – numerous
Jaatam – all that are born
Jaayamaanam – yet to be born
Sarvo – all
Tasmai – Rudra and to Him
This material universe and the beings
in this world are varied and numerous.
All that are born and those yet to be
born are Rudra indeed.
All this is Rudro and to Him, I offer
my salutations again and again.
Kadrudaaya prachetase
Miidhushh tamaaya tavyase
Vo chema shantama(gm) hrudaye
Sarvo hyessha rudras-tasmai
Rudraya namo astu
Kadrudaaya – praiseworthy
Prachetase – endowed with knowledge
and awareness
MiDhushta – fulfills all desires
Maa – my
Tavyasse – all powerful
Shantama(gm) – auspiciousness
Hride – heart
Sarvo –all
Hyeshha – This
(This last line symbolizes the journey
of the worshipper from duality to non-duality.)
We pray to Rudra
Who is praiseworthy
Who is endowed with knowledge and awareness
Who fulfills all desires
Who is all powerful
Who bestows all auspiciousness
Who resides in the heart
All this is Rudra
We offer our salutations to Rudra.
Very very useful. Tq for the information.
ReplyDeleteபய ணுள்ள தகவல்
ReplyDeletethanks you so much... very neat and concise just the way i wanted it. thank you..
ReplyDeleteThank you so much. Sai Ram.