Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Nila Suktam


Nila devi is praised in the Fourth kanda of the Taittiya Samhita of the Yajur Veda, in the hymn commonly known as Nila Suktam.

This is also known as Vishnu Pathni Suktam and Adithi Suktam. Nila Devi or Adithi, the creator of the world is addressed here.

Narpinnai is the daughter of Yashoda's brother, Kumbhaka.
Krishna married Narpinnai after defeating the seven ferocious bulls of Kumbhaka.
Story of Narpinnai is described in Harivamsa, Garuda purana and story of Alwars.

Vishnu's wives
·         1st wife -         Sridevi
·         2nd wife -       Bhu devi
·         3rd wife -        Nila devi (Vaishnava sect believes in 3rd wife) She is the one who took an incarnation as Narpinnai.

Alwar mentions 3 nachiyars as
·         Sridevi - Ponmagal - Goddess of wealth
·         Bhudevi - Nilamagal - Goddess of Land
·         Niladevi - Pulamagal - Goddess of Senses

It is believed that Nila devi keeps the Bhagawan under control by her Bhogam.

Saivaite Literature

Nila devi refers to Devi Aditi who is worshipped in the Taittreya Samhita just before the beginning of the popular Rudra mantras, indicating that many rituals including rudra worship began with worship of Devi.

Adithi means Undivided (or) Indivisible (or) Infinity.

Nila Suktam

Veda pushpanjali meaning
Niladevigm sharanamaham prapadye
(Sutara sitarasse namaha)
Nila - Blue
Devim - divinity shining, feminine divinity
Sharanam - Shelter
Aham - I
Pra + Padye - fall at (Her) feet
Su-tarasi - excellent + Swimmer
Tarase - to the swimmer
Namah - my namaskarams

I surrender myself at the feet of Nila devi, the excellent swimmer, who helps us swim and cross this samsara sagara.
I salute Nila devi (the consort of Lord Vishnu)
Grutavati savitaradhipatyaih payasvathirantirasano astu.
Grunahi - (we all) sing in praise to involve her presence. (from the root 'Gru')
Grutavati - Full of ghee (Ghee represents the final essence of all intellect)
SavitaH - Sa + VitaH = with knowledge
Aadhi patyaiH - Through (your) overlordship (or) governance.
Payasvati - Payas + vati - full of milk (or) full of juices.
Rantih - Full of rati (or) affection (for us).
Aasha - the disha (or) directions
NaH - for us all
Astu - be

We all sing in praise to Her as full of knowledge and its final essence (that is, knowledge of the self), so that her affection overflows for us from all directions.
O Savitr (Sun)! may our prosperous region flourish in ghee and milk under your overloadship.
Dhruva disham vishnu patnyaghorasyeshaanaa sahasoya manotaa
Dhruva - Firmly focused
Disham - in all directions
Vishnu patni - consort of Vishnu.
Aghora - A + Ghora - not fearsome
Asya - His
Ishaanaa - over lordship
Sahasaha - with Him (with Vishnu)
Ya - who so ever She
Manotaa - mana + Uta - mind + elevator = favorite

Our favourite, (here Niladevi), She is firmly focussed, not fearsome, as the consort of Vishnu along with His overlordship.
(Simply meaning: She is very loving for us all).
O divine consort of Vishnu! Who supports the earth and the sky and rules over the worlds with strength and firmness, be compassionate to us.
Brhaspatir matarishvota vayusandhu vanavata abhinou grnantu.
Brhaspati - the divine teacher
Matarishva - the principle mother vayuhu that drives and animates all other vayus (winds).
Uta - also
VayuH - winds
Sandhuvaanaa - saint dhuvaanaa = equal, same + Cleansing
Vata - winds
Abhi - lovingly
naH - us
grnantu - mentally wishing

May Bruhaspati and Matarishva (both) lovingly wish us well with their equally cleansing winds.
May Brhaspati and Matarisyan be gracious to us.
Vishtambho divodharunah prthivya asyeyana jagato visnupatni
Vishtambhaha - vi + stambhaha - vishesha + Stambhaha = Special pillar
Divaha - of the heavens
dharunaH - Hold together and hold aloft.
Prithivya - by the earth
Asya - His
Ishana - overlordship
JagataH - Universe
Vishnu patni - consort of Lord Vishnu.

As the consort of Vishnu, (and Owning) His overlordship - powers (of maintenance) may she hold us all together, (like a) special pillar holding aloft the heavens.
May Vayu, the God of winds blow over us gently.
Add ons
Vishvavyachha ishayanti subhutini shivaa nau astvaditirupasye
Vishva + vyachha = all emcompassing
Ishayanti - impelling (by Her power)
Subhutini - sut bhutiHi - Superb materialization
Shiva - good or auspicious
NaH - for us
Astu - be
AditiHi - Infinity (here, it is referring to Nila Devi)
Upasthe - in (Her) lap

O Devi Aditi, Superb materialization, (by) thy all-encompassing extent, (by your) inherent power, may you be shiva for us all in your (comforting) lap.

*      Niladevigm sharanamaham prapadye
Salute Niladevi (Consort of Vishnu)
*      Grunahi
I invoke you
*      Grutavati savitaradhi patyaih
The one who is full of ghee. The one who has control over the sun.
*      Payasvatirantirasano astu
May she who is full of milk protect us.
*      Dhruva disam visnu patnyaghora syesanasahasooya manota
O Divine consort of Vishnu who supports the earth and the sky and rules over the worlds with strength and firmness, be compassionate to us.
*      Brhaspatir matarishvota vayussandhuvanavata abhi no grunantu
May Brhaspati and Matarishwa and vayu and vata praise you.
*      Vishtambo divo dharunaH pritivyah Asyesyaanaa jagato visnu patni
Obstacles of Heavens and earth and the world may be removed by consort (Nila Devi) of Lord Vishnu.

O thou of the three and thirty fold stoma, lady of the world.
Breathed on by Visasvant, do thou be gracious to us.
Rich in ghee, O Savitr, through thy overlordship.
Be the bounteous region rich in milk, for us.
The firm among the quarters, Lady of Visnu, the mild.
Ruling over this strength, the desirable.
Brhaspati, matarisvin, Vayu
The winds blowing together be gracious to us.
Prop of the sky, supporter of the earth.
Ruling this world, lady of Vishnu,
All extending, seeking food, with prosperity
May Aditi be auspicious to us in her life.


1 comment:

Shri Suktam

Syllable ‘Shri’ – originates from Rig Veda In the Rig Veda, ShrI refers to both material and spiritual prosperity (aihika and amus hmika) ....